Friday, April 20, 2007

Here we go

I'm not exactly sure what I'll be putting up here, maybe the very random post-it drawings I do while waiting for renders on the ol' computer.

Oh yeah, IMJB was coined by the illustrious Dougg Williams when he realised I was a sort of walking IMDB. I do have alot of useless movie trivia floating around in my head. It's taking up space that could be better served with things like remembering my password to this blog! Oh yeah it took me quite a while to get on today.


Scott W Holmes said...

Did you remember the PIN to your bank account yet? Didn't think so. lets see some post its..NOW

Benjamin said...

Nice...instead of the blank white page you send everyone in your email the real one is a blank black page...brilliant.

imkg said...

it's me, imkg, now you're talking double team - SUPREME!

Here's to you, guy who put all the real men of genius commercials online:

Digby Reardon said...

Of all the blogs on all the sites on all the web, I had to surf into yours.